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    Thursday, September 25, 2008

    Tag! I'm it (:

    YO! I gots  tagged.

    By who you may ask? Well, Ana Nicole tagged me (:
    Yay for Ana!

    Okay, so here are the rules!
    1. Link person who tagged you.
    2. Mention rules in your blog.
    3. Tell 6 quirks about yourself.
    4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them.
    5. Leave comment on other bloggers' blogs to let them know they've been tagged.

    Well let's get #1 out of the way; Ana Nicole tagged me!

    I've already done #2 (up thare).

    Time for #3;
    1. In my head, I sometimes imagine up music videos for songs I reallly like (:
    2. Sometimes, when I listen to a song I know all the words to and I'm feeling especially rad, I imagine myself singing it.
    3. I'm always cold. No matter where I am or how warm it is.
    4. People know who I am from far away because I have this one sweatshirt that's really bold that I almost always wear XD
    5. I think Converse&Vans look loads better when they're completely beat up.
    6. My eyes change shades. When I'm tired or sleepy, they're a duller blue-gray. When I'm more awake or excited, my eyes turn brighter.If I'm ever sad or anything, my eyes turn deeper blue.

    Numero 4!
    Ima tag these 6 lovely people; Manga Dork Liv Colleen Kels Allie Glass Mannequin Jersey Girl

    And I've already done #5, scattering comments around the blogger community.
    Welp that's all for the tagging!

    BUT about my day; it was good for once. Just all good. No really bad parts. The only crappy thing is that the weather was bad and we lost our soccer game. Only 1-0 though! It was a fun game, too.

    Bye guys;


    mariposa said...

    That's so cool you play soccer - glad you had fun even though you didn't win. Oh, also, I wanted to say thanks a lot for the awesome comment you left :)

    Anonymous said...

    thx for following my blog.

    Anonymous said...

    thank you so much for the comment on my blog.
    and for following too!

    I love yours! It's a lot of fun =D

    anaaaaaaishh :D said...

    yeaaaaa go Ana!!! lol. oh well, you'll win the next one(:

    rockin_robin said...

    hey. found your blog through a link, and i like it a lot. check mine out if you want :)

    mariposa said...

    Hey - just wanted to say thanks so much for the regular comments you've been leaving! What's the writer without the reader, right? :) Look forward to reading your next post :D