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    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    I hate my foot.

    Dammit! My stupid foot still hurts so I couldn't play in my soccer game! And now I'm upset because maybe the team needed me ): I also can't go to dance today.

    It sucks.
    Big time.
    Grr today was a bad day for me I guess.
    So I couldn't walk like a normal, functioning person today. That sucked. I couldn't play soccer. Which sucks. A few people were being two faced. One second they acted like they like me, the next they act like I don't exist. That sucked, too.
    Well there were some good parts of my day. I guess me and some of my friends got closer.
    I don't have much to write about ):
    Sorry everybody.

    Dear readers, sincerely me;


    anaaaaaaishh :D said...

    that SUCKS! i hope your foot gets better. and i know a bunch of two faced girls[[SFC]] just be sweet to them. they won;t even know u know.

    anaaaaaaishh :D said...

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