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    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    Have I been gone for far too long?

    Watching Saw II (Creepy, psycho movie)
    Feeling kinda spooked.

    Well please let me know if I've been gone for forever. I just haven't had much interesting things to write about. Schools the same; still made fun of, still boring, still totally annoying. I still hate school. It's almost Halloween though! I love Halloween at my school; we have a halloween costume contest and we get to hang around outside.

    It's been getting really cold around here. I've been freezing and walking around in a scarf. Fingertips turning red and slowly purple, running to get to my next area so that I don't have to be outside too long. It's kind of nice though. I like the seasons changing.

    I've started to wear glasses now, too. Changes have been occurring. I actually like the glasses though; I can see better and I think they look kinda cute on me. I've also taken up figure skating in the time I've been gone. I'm just starting and taking lessons, but hopefully I'll be able to skate well soon.

    Well my life is boring so I guess I'll just end the post. If I haven't been commenting on your blogs lately, sorry. I've been busy. I hope all of you guys whose blogs I'm following are living good lives. I hope you guys are doing good. I might talk to you soon, if I can get more time on blogger.


    Friday, October 10, 2008

    I'm having a storm of happiness!

    Hey everybody! I am so freaking happy, I don't think anything can really ruin my day!

    Okay, so first off I saw City of Ember and let me tell you; one of the best movies EVER! I loved it. It was insanely good. I want all of you to go out and watch it. I thought it was good (:
    And if that wasn't enough to make my day so great, I also got my pre-ordered Hey Monday CD! BOOYAH!
    Hey Monday is a really great band, I think you should all check it out.
    Those two things made my day great, even though that's all that happened...
    More news that's pretty good; I'm almost done with Breaking Dawn and it's a great book.
    Sunday, I might get to meet All Time Low (EEP!), if I can beg my parents and persuade them to let me go.
    And all these nice comments that everyone leaves me, those are amazing! Probably one of the things that is making me a much happier person (: Thanks to everybody so much. I hope everyone is having a good weekend (well it's a weekend for me... No school!) and a good Friday.

    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    No school=BEST THING EVER!

    Hey peeps. Sorry I've been so scarce. I haven't had much going on, but I'll explain everything that has happened in the past few days. 

    We tied our soccer game on Tuesday and I actually got to play forward! For like... 3 minutes and I didn't do anything, but still! It was super fun.
    And now it is Thursday... AND I have off until Tuesday (: Thank you Yom Kippur!
    I love holidays... I get to sleep in, hang out with friends, and do whatever the heck I want!
    There's nothing really to say except for what I plan on doing over this looong weekend.
    Today: starting figure skating lessons and then maybe hanging out with some people (if not, then I'm just home on the computer XP)
    Friday: going to see 'City of Ember'. Oh yeah, that movie seems totally rad! I can't wait to see it. I might go with my friend who's sister is my sister's age so that would work out perfectly!
    Saturday: might hang out with Tiffani... Maybe...
    Sunday: Hanging with Lizz or Amanda...? I don't really know yet.
    Monday: no freaking idea XD
    And then Tuesday I go back to school.
    OH and please check this guy out... Mitchell Davis! He is hilarious. My new obsession (:
    There's no more to say really, so bye!

    Thursday, October 2, 2008

    Pathetic rant. Care to read?

    Gah! I'm exceptionally mad today!

    Want to know why? If not, then you can just stop reading now. If you really want to know, read on compassionate people!
    Okay, so in my soccer game today. When I went back into the game in the 2nd half, I think that I lost my sense of playing soccer or something for a couple of seconds.
    And guess what. A couple of seconds is enough time for me to screw everything up!
    We were currently tied, 0-0. We even had a chance of WINNING the game if it wasn't for me.
    I was playing defense and the ball was near the goal. I wanted to help out with getting the ball to one of our offense players. This could have possibly worked if the goalie and I actually communicated. I had just kicked the ball when I heard the goalie saying that she had it. I backed off to let her get the ball. Long story, short, goalie couldn't get the ball, leaving the other team to score. The final score was 1-0, them.
    After the game, nobody really said anything to my face, but I could tell they were pissed at me. The only people who actually tried to make me feel better were my true, supportive friends on the team. There are only 1 or 2.
    I started packing up my books when one of my teammates told this jackass (excuse my French) that it was ALL my fault that we lost the game. I don't disagree with her, but I am mad that she would tell this guy out of everybody (let's just say he doesn't like me at all and loves to make me feel insignificant).
    I'm honestly scared to death to go to school tomorrow because everyone's going to hate me ): If that guy (mentioned before as 'jackass') says one thing at all about me messing up in the game, I'll chew him out so bad that he'll be scared to even look my way. He's always been mean to me and this'll be the last straw if he mentions my messing up in the game. I guess this is somewhat positive because I can finally stand up to him.
    I know this isn't needed from you guys, but if someone could try to cheer me up, that'd be great. Or if you can offer some form of positive words, whether it be something to make me happy or something encouraging.
    Thanks for reading (: I know my life is totally lame and pathetic.